Justine Dufour-Lapointe

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." – Walt Disney
13 questions to Justine
Enjoy even more.
More sailing & skiing trip around the world.
Tyrol, the Alps in Austria.
Chocolate peanut butter cup and candy.
I can sew and I’m a really creative person.
Travel, sailing and road biking.
Winning and lifting up in the air the Freeride world tour mountain trophy! And of course winning the Olympic gold medal in 2014.
My Mom.
The love and respect for the mountain. The feeling of always learning something new everyday on the mountain but also the adrenaline of trying and pushing your own limits.
Everything, sport taught me so much about myself. Taught me how to be dedicated, resiliente, more patient and so much more.
My best performance was always went I was having the most fun with a genuine smile on my face.
I always want to learn more about health and food. There always something new out there to know about.
Do you miss mogul skiing ? My body clearly doesn’t! I don’t miss the impact on my body ahah