Avalanche Safety Center

Avalanche Safety Centers sind Mammut Stores oder PartnergeschÀfte, die sich durch besondere Kompetenz in Punkto Lawinensicherheit und ein entsprechend breites Sortiment auszeichnen. 

Wenn du Fragen zu Airbag Systems, Barryvox (LawinenverschĂŒttetensuchgerĂ€t), Sonden oder Schaufeln hast, bist du hier an der richtigen Adresse. In Avalanche Safety Centers wirst du nicht nur kompetent beraten. Einige Centers befĂŒllen zudem leere Airbag-Kartuschen neu (Cartridge Refill Service) oder verleihen Kartuschen, falls du deine nicht auf Reisen mitnehmen willst oder kannst (Cartridge Rental Service).

Aktuell gibt es Mammut Avalanche Safety Center in Europa, den USA und Canada. Du erkennst ein Safety Center am entsprechenden Sticker vor Ort oder suchst dir hier ein fĂŒr dich schnell erreichbares Center heraus:


- Sport IN GmbH, Friedrichshofener Strasse 1d, DE-85049 Ingolstadt, +49 841 993 67 20, info@sport-in.net, www.sport-in.net

- Sport Conrad, Chamonixstr. 3 - 9, DE-82467 Penzberg/Garmisch, +49 8821 73 22 70, info@sport-conrad.de, www.sport-conrad.de

- Sporthaus Schuster, Rosenstrasse 1-5, DE-80331 MĂŒnchen, +49 89 23 70 74 21, mnirschl@sport-schuster.de, info@sport-schuster.de

- Rolands Alpin Laden GmbH, NĂŒrnberger Strasse 100, DE-96050 Bamberg, +49 951 25 767, www.rolands-alpin-laden.de

- Bergsport Maxi, Klostersteige 2, DE-87435 Kempten, +49 831 520 95 57, bergsport.maxi@t-online.de, www.bergsport-maxi.de

- blacksheepsports, Holzhofstraße 5, DE-81667 MĂŒnchen, +49 89 210 198 26, info@blacksheepsports.de, www.blacksheepsports.de

- Strohhammer, Straubinger Strasse 21, DE-94405 Landau, +49 9951 602 30, info@sport-strohhammer.de, www.sport-strohhammer.de

- Bergsport Schachenmeier, Lebzelterberg 5, DE-83714 Miesbach, +49 8025 994 62 80, info@bergsport-schachenmeier.de

- Mammut Store MĂŒnchen, Frauenstrasse 16, DE-80469 MĂŒnchen, +49 89 21 112 212, muenchen@mammutstore.de

- Mammut Store NĂŒrnberg, Josephsplatz 18, DE-90403 NĂŒrnberg, +49 911 99 282 410, nuernberg@mammutstore.de

- Schuh & Sporthaus Schindele, Marktplatz 4, DE-87671 Ronsberg, +49 8306 975 940, info@sport-schindele.de, www.sport-schindele.de

- Sport Förg, Hans-SeemĂŒller-Str. 3, DE-86316 Friedberg, +49 821 90621 0, kundenservice@foerg.de, www.foerg.de


- Tramperhaus, Kaiserstrasse 52, DE-72764 Reutlingen, +49 7121 33 07 86, info@tramperhaus.de, www.tramperhaus.de

- Tom's Bergsportladen, Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 4, DE-75365 Calw, +49 7051 93 09 99, tom@toms-bergsport.de, www.toms-bergsport.de

- May GmbH, Kaiserstrasse 35, DE-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen, +49 7751 91 180, info@may.de, www.may-sport.de

- Sport Kiefer, Schwarzwaldstr. 173, DE-79102 Freiburg, +49 761 156 48 50, info@sport-kiefer.de, www.sport-kiefer.de

- Eiselin Sport, Basler Strasse 126, DE-79540 Lörrach, +49 7621 16 76 40, info@eiselinsport.de, www.eiselinsport.de

- Baumhauer Outdoorsport GmbH, KĂ€the-Paulus-Strasse 1, DE-88074 Meckenbeuren, +49 7542 951 55 19, info@baumhauer-sport.de, www.baumhauer-sport.de

- Mammut Store Stuttgart, Kronenstrasse 7, DE-70173 Stuttgart, +49 711 72 233 555, stuttgart@mammutstore.de

- Sport Jakob OHG, ScherrichmĂŒhlweg 10, DE-88239 Wangen, +49 7522 21 292 sport.jakob@t-online.de, www.sportjakob.de


- Mammut Store Berlin, Dircksenstrasse/ Bahnbogen 98, DE-10178 Berlin, +49 30 76 213 167, berlin@mammutstore.de


- Mammut Store Dortmund, Potgasse 4, DE-44137 Dortmund, +49 231 95 048 860, dortmund@mammutstore.de

- Mammut Store Essen, Kettwiger Strasse 2-10, DE-45127 Essen, +49 201 82 197 440, essen@mammutstore.de

- Mammut Store Köln, Breite Strasse 159, DE-50667 Köln, +49 221 45 344 177, koeln@mammutstore.de


- Mammut Store Frankfurt, Fahrgasse 111, DE-60311 Frankfurt, +49 69 46 099 069, frankfurt@mammutstore.de


- Mammut Store Leipzig, Nikolaistrasse 6-10, DE-04109 Leipzig, +49 341 91 046 884, leipzig@mammutstore.de


- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Barryvox Test Center, Hochbergerstr. 70, CH-4057 Basel, +41 61 225 27 27, basel@baechli-bergsport.ch, www.baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

St. Gallen:

- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Breitfeldstrasse 13, CH-9015 St. Gallen, +41 71 314 00 33, stgallen@baechli-bergsport.ch, www.baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Stef's Bergsport, Hauptstrasse 1A, CH-9476, +41 81 740 25 50, info@stefs-bergsport.ch, www.stefs-bergsport.ch


- BÀchli Bergsport, Waldhöheweg 1, CH-3011 Bern, +41 31 330 80 80, bern@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Gewerbestrasse 6, CH-3600 Thun, +41 33 225 55 10, thun@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Mammut Store Bern, Kramgasse 78, CH-3011 Bern, +41 31 301 42 42, bern@mammutstore.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Oester Sport AG, Dorfstrasse 25, CH-3715 Adelboden, +41 33 673 16 25, infotest@oestersport.ch, www.oestersport.ch

- Berger Schuhe & Sport AG, Haldenweg 1, CH-3510 Konolfingen, +41 31 791 06 53, info@bergerschuhe.ch

- Troxler Sport & Mode AG, Oberriedstrasse 5, CH-3775 Lenk im Simmental, +41 33 733 26 22, info@troxler-lenk.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Tof-Sports, Francillon 11, CH-2610 St Imier, +41 32 941 39 07, tofsports@bluewin.ch


- DĂ©fi-Montagne, Grand` Rue 2, CH-2034 Peseux, +41 32 731 14 39, contact@defi-montagne.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Vertical Passion SA, Rue des CrĂȘtets 99, CH-2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, +41 32 913 00 40, martial@vertical-passion.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Tof-Sports, Francillon 11, CH-2610 St Imier, +41 32 941 39 07, tofsports@bluewin.ch


- Cactus-Sports, Rue Rieter 10, Case postale 36, CH-1227 Carouge, +41 22 300 30 01

- Univers Sports, Rue de la Servette 52, 1211 GenĂšve 7, +41 22 733 33 58,


- Break-Point / Barryvox Test Center, MĂ€rtmattenstrasse 1a, 3930 Visp, +12794660, break-point@rhone.ch

- Bayard Sport & Fashion, Bahnhofplatz 3, CH-3920 Zermatt, +41 27 968 16 26, bayardsport@zermatt.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Break Point / Barryvox Test Center, MĂ€rtmattenstrasse 1a, CH-3930 Visp, +41 27 946
64 60, break-point@rhone.ch

- Yosemite Zermatt, Bahnhofstrasse 20, CH-3920 Zermatt, +41 27 968 17 77, zermatt@yosemite.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Olympia Sports, CH-3961 Zinal, +41 27 475 13 76, info@olympia-sports.ch

- Bournissen Sports, Route des Marmottes 2, CH-1986 Arolla, +41 27 283 14 54, bournissen@arolla.com

- Follomi-Sports, Rue du Scex 45, CH-1650 Sion, +41 27 323 34 71, magasin@follomi.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Mariéthoz Sports, Route de la Télécabine 4, CH-1997 Haute-Nendaz, +41 27 288 23 53, info@mariethoz.com (Barryvox Test Center)

- Neige-Aventure, Route de la Télécabine 18, CH-1997 Haute-Nendaz, +41 27 288 31 31, shop@onthemountain.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Look Montagne, Rue du LĂ©man 23, CH-1920 Martigny, +41 27 722 91 55, lookmontagne@bluewin.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Montagne-Show, Place Curala 1, CH-1934 Le ChĂąble VS, +41 27 776 10 10, montagneshow@netplus.ch

- Mountain Air SA, Rue de MĂ©dran 77, CH-1936 Verbier, +41 27 775 44 02 info@mountainairverbier.com (Barryvox Test Center)

- Evasion Verbier SA, Route du Golf 1, CH-1936 Verbier, +41 27 771 20 47 evasion@verbier.com (Barryvox Test Center)

- Philippe Roux Sports, Place Centrale 1, CH-1936 Verbier, +41 27 771 47 12, xtremesports@verbier.ch

- MĂ©dran Sports, Route de Verbier 59, CH-1936 Verbier, +41 27 771 60 48, medransports@verbier.ch

- Xtreme Sports, Place Centrale 6, CH-1936 Verbier, +41 27 771 78 10, xtremesports@verbier.ch

- Cristal Sport, Barry Place du Clocher, CH-1937 OrsiĂšres, +41 27 783 24 40, info@cristalsport.ch

- Zanskar Sports, Route de Ferret 51, CH-1944 La Fouly, +41 27 783 30 00, jack@zanskar.ch

(Barryvox Test Center)


- BĂ€chli Bergsport, BinmĂŒhlestrasse 80, CH-8050 ZĂŒrich, +41 44 317 20 00, zuerich@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Brunnenstrasse 1, CH-8604 Volketswil, +41 43 399 41 00, volketswil@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Transa Backpacking AG, Lagerstrasse 4, CH-8004 ZĂŒrich, info@transa.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Kundalini, Klingenstrasse 9, CH-8005 ZĂŒrich, +41 43 542 75 00, mail@kundalini.ch

- Mammut Store ZĂŒrich, Löwenstrasse 60, CH-8001 ZĂŒrich, +41 43 233 00 66, zuerich@mammutstore.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- eglisport ag, Barryvox Test Center, Unterer Graben 11, CH-8400 Winterthur, +41 52 203
37 07, eglisportag@gmail.com

Appenzell Innerrhoden:

- Dörig Sport, Dorf 13, CH-9057 Weissbad, +41 71 7991112, info@doerigsport.ch


- Altmann Sports S.A., Rue de la Madeleine 22, CH-1800 Vevey, +41 21 921 96 77, info@altmannsports.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Yosemite Zion S.A., Rue du Torrent 5, CH-1800 Vevey, +41 21 922 40 41, vevey@yosemite.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Yosemite Lausanne S.A.,Bd de Grancy 12, CH-1006 Lausanne, +41 21 617 31 00, lausanne@yosemite.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- BĂ€chli Sport de Montagne, Avenue de Ouchy 6, CH-1006 Lausanne, +41 21 864 00 02, lausanne@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- François-Sports, ZI Les Corbes 15, CH-1121 Bremblens, +41 21 802 03 03, fsports@worldcom.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- SB Sport Service S.A., Avenue du Mont-Blanc 37, CH-1196 Gland, +41 22 364 31 55, sbgland@sbsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)


- OxygĂšne-Montagne, Rte de Ferpicloz 8, CH-1731 Ependes, +41 26 413 37 70, info@oxygene-montagne.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Trango-Sport Nature S.A., Rue Rieter 10, Case postale 36, CH-1630 Bulle, +41 26 913 92 10, info@trangosport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Dupasquier Sports, Route Principale 144, CH-1628 Vuadens, FRA +41 26 912 74 75, info@dupasquier-sports.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Ski Service Forrer, Barryvox Test Center, Chemin de la Voie Ferrée 3, 1580 Avenches, skiserviceforrer@bluewin.ch


- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Am Mattenhof 2a, CH-6010 Kriens, +41 41 329 19 00, kriens@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Kunz Sport, Leuenplatz 6, CH-6130 Willisau, +41 41 970 18 66, willisau@go-in.ch

- Mammut Store Luzern, Weinmarkt 20, CH-6004 Luzern, +41 41 410 10 88, luzern@mammutstore.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Von Moos Sport + Hobby AG, Kasernenplatz 3 + 4, CH - 6003 Luzern, +41 41 249 92 00, info@vonmoos-luzern.ch

- Adventure Factory, Bahnhofstrasse 37, CH-6210 Sursee, +41 41 921 54 24, info@adventure-factory.ch

- Huwyler Sport, FlĂ€cke 29, CH-6215 BeromĂŒnster, +41 41 930 31 39, info@huwylersport.ch


- Berge Pur Outdoor, Baarerstrasse 49, CH-6300 Zug, +41 41 710 22 61,kaktus@tic.ch


- BÀchli Bergsport, Eichenstrasse 2, CH-8808 PfÀffikon SZ, +41 55 415 88 10, pfaeffikon@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- bike & climb up AG, Gotthardstrasse 62, CH-6438 Ibach, +41 41 813 14 14, info@bikeandclimbup.ch


- Norbert Joos Bergsport AG, Kasernenstrasse 90, CH-7000 Chur, +41 81 253 74 14, joos@bergsport.ch

- BĂ€chli Bergsport, Rheinfelsstrasse 39, CH-7000 Chur, +41 81 286 05 50, chur@baechli-bergsport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Menzli Sport AG, Glennerstrasse 23, CH-7130 Ilanz, +41 81 920 08 80, info@menzlisport.ch

- RĂ€tikon Sport AG, Barryvox Test Center, Industriestrasse 1, CH-7240 KĂŒblis,
+41 81 332 36 36, info@raetikonsport.ch

- Caprez Sport, Hauptstrasse 32, CH-7240 KĂŒblis, +41 81 332 36 36, caprez@caprez-sport.ch (Barryvox Test Center)

- Bardill Sport AG, Barryvox Test Center, Landstrasse 185, 7250 Klosters, +41 81 422 10
40, info@bardill-sport.ch

- Fullmoons, Promenade 127, CH-7260 Davos Dorf, +41 81 420 14 77, shop@fullmoons.ch

(Barryvox Test Center)

- Jon Sport AG, Stradun 328 A, CH-7550 Scuol, +41 81 864 18 17, info@jon-sport.ch

- Albeina Sport AG, Landstrasse 26, CH-7252 Klosters Dorf, +41 81 422 39 59, info@albeina-sport.ch Michel Sport da Muntogna (Barryvox Test Center)

- Via Principale 21, CH-7166 Trun, +41 81 936 36 56, info@bergsportsurselva.chSplĂŒgen Sport AG, ErlawĂ€g 24, CH-7435 SplĂŒgen, Tel. +41 81 664 19 19, Email: spluegen@spluegensport.ch

- Pesko Sport AG, Mammut Store Lenzerheide, Voa Pricipala 56, CH-7078 Lenzerheide/
Lai, +41 81 385 10 16, mammut-store@pesko.ch

- SplĂŒgen Sport AG, Barryvox Test Center, ErlawĂ€g 24, CH-7435 SplĂŒgen, +41 81 664 19 19, spluegen@spluegensport.ch

- Marco's Sport SA, Barryvox Test Center, Stradun 315a, CH-7550 Scuol, +41 81 864 05 05, scuol@marco-sport.ch

- Stile Alpino SA, Barryvox Test Center, Plazzet 16, CH-7503 Samedan, +41 81 850 02 22, samedan@stilealpino.ch

- Partnun, PrĂ€ttigau Tourismus, Valzeinastrasse 6, CH-7214 GrĂŒsch , +41 81 325 11 11,

- St. Antönien, PrĂ€ttigau Tourismus, Valzeinastrasse 6, CH-7214 GrĂŒsch , +41 81 325 11 11,


- Arena Sport & Outdoor, EnnetbĂŒrgerstrasse 4, CH-6374 Buochs, +41 41 620 55 77, arenasportundoutdoor@gmx.ch

- Ski + Sport Achermann AG, Angelbergstr. 37A, CH-6370 Stans, +41 41 610 12 18, stans@achermannsport.ch


- Alpina Sport AG, Gotthardstrasse 101, CH-6490 Andermatt, +41 41 887 17 88, info@alpina-sport.ch, www.alpina-sport.ch

- Meyer's Sporthaus AG, Gotthardstrasse 93, CH-6490 Andermatt, +41 41 887 12 32, mail@meyers-sporthaus.ch

- Imholz Sport AG, BarryvoxTest Center, Klausenstrasse 142, CH-6463 BĂŒrglen Uri, +41 41 874 00 90, box@imholzsport.ch

- Mammut Store Andermatt, Furkagasse 2, 6490 Andermatt, +41 41 888 70 60, andermatt@imholzsport.ch


- Bergsport Bordogna GmbH, Dornacherplatz 15, 4500 Solothurn, +41 32 621 15 30, bergsport@bordogna.ch


- SplĂŒgen Sport AG, Centro Monda 3, CH-6528 Camorino, Tel. +41 91 857 93 33, Email: camorino@spluegensport.ch


- Mammut Store Innsbruck, Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 15, AT-6020 Innsbruck, +43 512 567 3050, innsbruck@mammutstore.at

- Gigasport Innsbruck, Andechsstrasse 85, AT-6020 Innsbruck, +43 512 341770, innsbruck@gigasport.at, www.gigasport.at

- Intersport Okay, Maria-Theresien-Str. 47, AT-6020 Innsbruck, +43 512 5831410, mr@intersport-tyrol.at, www.intersport.at

- Rockn Roll, Brunnbachweg 2, AT-6382 Kirchdorf, +43 5352 65600, info@rocknrollmountain.at, www.rocknrollmountain.at

- Alber Sport, Dorfstrasse 23, AT-6580 St. Anton/Arlberg, +43 5446 3400 10, info@sport-alber.com, www.sport-alber.com


- Gigasport bei Kastner & Oehler, Sackstrasse 7-13, AT-8021 Graz, +43 316 870-0, graz@gigasport.at, www.gigasport.at

- Zauner Luis jun., Flutergasse 6, AT-8790 Eisenerz, +43 3848 2201, sportzauner@aon.at

- Starkl Hans-Peter, T. Schruf-Gasse 12, AT-8680 MĂŒrzzuschlag, +43 3852 2244, hans-peter.starkl@gmx.at, www.bergsport-starkl.at

- Sport - Ski Willy OG, Schildlehen 83, AT-8972 Ramsau/Dachstein, +43 3687 81854, info@ski-willy.at, www.ski-willy.at

- Bergfuchs Bergsport, Hans Resel Gasse 7, AT-8020 Graz, +43 316 7633 00, graz@bergfuchs.at, www.bergfuchs.at


- Hang Loose, Favoritenstr. 28, AT-1040 Wien, +43 1 6067988, hangloose@hangloose.com, www.hangloose.com

- Schwanda Ges.m.b.H., BĂ€ckerstrasse 7, AT-1010 Wien, +43 1 5125320, office@schwanda.at, www.schwanda.com

- Nora Pure Sports, Hernalser GĂŒrtel 33, AT-1170 Wien, +43 1 403449314, nora@norasports.at, www.norasports.at

- Bergfuchs, Kaiserstrasse 15, AT-1070 Wien, +43 1 523 96 98, wien@bergfuchs.at, www.bergfuchs.at


- bergwerk Mountain Store, Ennser Str. 29, AT-4400 Steyr, +43 7252 70396, office@bergwerkmountainstore.at

- Mammut Store Linz, Hauptplatz 32, AT-4020 Linz, +43 732 773 824, linz@mammutstore.at

- bergwerk Mountain Store, Waldeggstr. 12, AT-4020 Linz, +43 732 601567, office@bergwerkmountainstore.at, www.bergwerkmountainstore.at


- Mammut Store Vösendorf, Shopping City SĂŒd, Garden Mall, Galerie 171, AT-2334 Vösendorf, +43 1 383 1036, scs@mammutstore.at

- Gigasport Brunn/Gebirge, Johann-Steinböckstr. 15, AT-2345 Brunn/Gebirge, +43 2236 378788, brunn-gebirge@gigasport.at, www.gigasport.at

- Pemsel, Gamingerstr. 2, AT-3270 Scheibbs, +43 7482 4222916, sport.pemsel@sport2000.at, www.sport2000.at

- Sport Harreither, Unterer Stadtplatz 9, AT-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs, +43 7442 52678, office@sport-harreither.at, www.sport-harreither.at


- Strolz, Nr. 116, AT-6764 Lech/Arlberg, +43 5583 236146, martina.grafeneder@strolz.at, www.strolz.at

- Bergsport & Outdoor Leitner, Dorfpark/Bahnhof 148, AT-6870 Bezau, +43 5514 31441, bezau@alpinsports.com, www.alpinsports.com


- Putz Hubert, Kötschach 60, AT-9640 Kötschach, +43 4715 375, sportputz@aon.at

- Gigasport Klagenfurt, Heinrich Harrer Str. 4, AT-9020 Klagenfurt, +43 463 57520, klagenfurt@gigasport.at, www.gigasport.at


- BERGSPEZL, Halleiner Landesstr. 116, AT-5412 Puch, +43 6245 73000, office@bergspezl.at, www.bergspezl.at

- Snow&Fun, Dorfstrasse 204, AT-5754 Hinterglemm, +43 6541 7511, snow-fun@skischule.com

- Mammut store, 141 Rue du Dr Paccard, FR-74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, +33 4 50 90 96 31

- Chullanka, 2222 route de Grasse, FR-6600 Antibes

- Chullanka Bordeaux, 1 Chemin de Pouchon, FR-33700 MĂ©rignac, +33 5 247 288 18

- Chullanka Toulouse, 10, Boulevard de l'Europe ZAC Carrefour, FR-331120 Portet-sur-Garonne, +33 5 622 072 50

- Espace Montagne, 252 rue du centre, FR-74330 Epagny, +33 4 502 299 55

- Terre de Montagne, 6 Rue de Montréal, FR-74100 Ville La Grand, +33 4 503 819 17

- Au Vieux Campeur, 48, rue des Ecoles, FR-75005 Paris, +33 1 53 10 48 48

- Au Vieux Campeur, 43, cours de la Liberté, FR-69003 Lyon, +33 4 78 60 81 00

- Au Vieux Campeur, 925, route du Fayet, FR-74700 Sallanches, +33 4 50 91 26 62

- Au Vieux Campeur, Centre Commercial LabĂšge Innopole, 62, rue de Sienne, FR - 31670 LabĂšge, +33 5 62 88 27 27

- Au Vieux Campeur, Centre commercial du Chiriac, 10, rue Ambroise Croizat, FR - 73200 Albertville, +33 4 79 39 93 93

- Au Vieux Campeur, Centre commercial Caserne de Bonne, 25, rue Berthe de Boissieux, FR- 38000 Grenoble, +33 4 76 87 06 22

- Approach, 8 Boulevard d'Orient, FR-05000 Gap, +33 4 92 51 91 78

- Approach, rue des Couteliers ZA Sud, FR-05100 Briançon, +33 4 92 20 59 55

- Mountain spirit Snc., Zwoelfmalgreiner str. 8B, IT-39100 Bozen

- SPORTLER AG, Via Centrale 48, IT-39031 Brunico

- Amplatz Sport, Piazza Marconi 1, IT-38032 Canazei

- Nuovi Orizzonti S.A.S., ViaNicolo' Biondo, 53, IT-41012 Carpi

- Point du Sport Snc, Via Roma, 85, IT-11013 Courmayeur


- Faletti Multistore S.r.l., Corso le Petit, 15, IT-25047 Darfo Boario Terme BS

- Sport Holzer Stefan & Co. O.H.G., St. Michaelplatz 4, IT-39038 Innichen BZ

- Fiorelli Sport, Via Ezio Vanoni, 3, IT-23010 San Martino Val Masino SO

- Valli Sport S.r.l., Via Campagnola, 19, IT-36015 Schio

- Sportler Udine, Via Nazionale 20, IT-33010 Tavagnacco, +39 4 322 872 84


- Track N Trail , 10148-82 AVE, EDMONTON, AB T6E 1Z4, 780-432-1707, www.shop.trackntrail.ca

- Vertical Addiction Ltd, 1300 Railway Ave, Canmore, AB T1W 1P6, 403-609-8226, www.vertical-addiction.com

British Columbia:

- VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS- REVELSTOKE, 213 MACKENZIE AVE, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0, (250) 837 5517, https://vpo.ca/topic/vpo.storelocator.revelstoke

- EXCESS BACKCOUNTRY, 4154 VILAGE GREEN UNIT 2, Whistler, BC V0N 1B4, 604-932-6409, www.excessbackcountry.com

- VALHALLA PURE OUTFITTERS- NELSON, 624 BAKER ST, Nelson, BC V1L 4J4, (250) 354 1006, https://vpo.ca/topic/vpo.storelocator.nelson

- True Outdoors, 749b Notre Dame Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 5N8, (250) 377-0157, https://trueoutdoors.ca/

- Avalanche Safety Solutions, 802 9th St. N., Golden, BC V0A 1H2, 888 742 8769, www.avalanchesafety.ca


- Mammut Sports Group Service Center, 800-451-5127, info@mammutusa.com

- Citabel Sports, Rue de Chateau Deau 3, LU-L-3364 Leudelange, +352 37 97 37, www.citabel.lu


- Platou Sport, Langelandsvegen 25, NO-6010 Ålesund, +47 70 14 26 70, alesund@platousport.com


- Sportsnett Norge AS, Olav Vs gate 6, NO-0161 Oslo, +47 22 463 194, butikk@sportsnett.no

- OSLO SPORTSLAGER, Torggata 20, NO-0183 Oslo, +47 23 326 200, post@oslosportslager.no


- Friluftsbutikken, KarlsĂžyvegen 3, NO-9015 TromsĂž, +47 77 61 53 04

- Lofoten Sport og Fritid, Hovdveien 49, NO-8360 BĂžstad, +47 76 054 126, l.barth.sport@gmail.com

- Pyramiden Sport AS, Solstrandvegen 47, Amfi Pyramiden, NO-9020 Tromsdalen, +47 77 638 133, post@pyramidensport.com

- TromsÞ Sport, Kirkegata 6, NO-9008 TROMSØ, +47 94 01 75 55, tromsosport@icloud.com

- Parabolflua Sport AS, Storgata 3, NO-9405 Harsta, +47 77 06 50 022, post@parabolflua.no


- Platou Sport As, SmÄstrandgaten 8, NO-5014 Bergen, +47 55 55 30 75, bergen@platousport.com


- VPG, Aunevegen 4, NO-7340 Oppdal, +47 72 423 761, post@vpg.no


- Lofoten Sport og Fritid, Hovdveien 49, NO-8360 BĂžstad, +47 76 05 41 26, l.barth.sport@gmail.com


- Intersport Sogndal, Hovevegen 10, NO-6856 Sogndal, +47 57 628 816, post@sogndal.intersport.no

- Alpingaraget Stockholm AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 127, SE-11356 Stockholm, +46 8 165 010, web@alpingaraget.se, www.alpingaraget.com

- Joens Sjö & Snö, JÀrnvÀgsgatan 34, SE-216 14 Limhamn, +46 40 160 290

- Hödjmeter, BergmÀstaregatan 2, SE-98133 Kiruna, + 46 98 082 200, info@hojdmeter.se, www.hojdmeter.se

- Facewest, Unit 6, Gordon Mill, Netherfield Road, Guiseley, UK-LS20 9PD W Yorkshire, +44 1943 870 550, www.facewest.co.uk


- MAMMOTH MOUNTAINEERING SUPPLY (mammoth lakes), 361 Old Mammoth Rd, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, 760-934-4191, www.mammothgear.com

- TAHOE SPORTS LTD., 4000 LAKE TAHOE BLVD #7, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150, 530-542-4000, www.tahoesportsltd.com

- FIFTH SEASON, 300 NORTH MOUNT SHASTA BLVD., MOUNT SHASTA, CA 96067, 530-926-3606, www.thefifthseason.com

- ALPENGLOW SPORTS, 415 NORTH LAKE BLVD., TAHOE CITY, CA 96145, 530-583-6917, www.alpenglowsports.com


- THE BENT GATE, 1313 WASHINGTON AVE, CO 80401 Golden, +1 303 271 9382, www.bentgate.com

- Jagged Edge Telluride, 223 East Colorado Ave, CO 81435 Telluride, +1 970 728 9307, info@jagged-edge-telluride.com, www.jagged-edge-telluride.com

- Neptune Mountaineering, 633 A Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, (303) 499-8866, www.neptunemountaineering.com

- WILDERNESS SPORTS, 701 E ANEMONE TRAIL, DILLON, CO 80435, (970) 468-5687, www.wildernesssports.com

- UTE MOUNTAINEER, 210 S GALENA ST, ASPEN, CO 81611, (970) 925-2849, www.utemountaineer.com

- PINE NEEDLE MOUNTAINEERING, 835 MAIN AVENUE #112, DURANGO, CO 81301, (970) 247-8728, www.pineneedle.com


- BACKWOOD'S MOUNTAIN SPORTS, 711 N MAIN STREET, KETCHUM, ID 83340, 208-726-8818, www.backwoodsmountainsports.com


- Mountain Shop of Portland, 1510 NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232, (503) 288-6768, http://www.mountainshop.net/location/

- NEXT ADVENTURE, 426 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97214, 503-233-0706, www.nextadventure.net


- BACKCOUNTRY.COM STORE, 2607 SOUTH 3200 WEST, West Valley City, UT 84119, (801) 746-7580

- Skimo Co., 2477 FT Union Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84121, (801) 942-9084, www.skimo.co


- Mountain Gear, 2002 N Division St, WA 99207 Spokane, +1 509-325-9000, info@mountaingear.com, www.mountaingear.com

- Ascent Outdoors, 5209 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107, 206-545-8810, www.ascentoutdoors.com


- TETON MOUNTAINEERING, 170 NORTH CACHE, JACKSON, WY 83001, (307) 733-3595, www.tetonmtn.com

- WILSON BACKCOUNTRY SPORTS, 1230 IDA DRIVE, WILSON, WY 83014, (307) 733-5228, www.wilsonbackcountry.com


- Mammut Sports Group Service Center, 800-451-5127, info@mammutusa.com


- Niseko Harro's Snowsports, 183-20 Aza-Yamada Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 004-0081, +81 136-21-7725, www.harrosnowsports.com.au/contact2.asp

- Furano Harro's Snowsports, 1974-4 Kitanomine-Cho, Furano Shi, Hokkaido 076-0034, +81 80-2874-6005, www.harrosnowsports.com.au/contact2.asp

- Rhythm Summit, 190-32 Aza-yamada, Kutchan cho, Abuta gun, Hokkaido 044-0081, +81 136-22-4199, summit@rhythmjapan.com, www.rhythmjapan.com/locations/rhythm-base/

Myoko Kogen:

- Joey's Custom Boot fitting, 426-43, Niigata, Akakura, Myoko, 949-2111, +81 80-3561-0663, joeysmyoko@gmail.com, www.joeysmyoko.com/


- MountainStore, 4836 hokujo Hakuba, Nagano 99-9301, +81 80-3561-0663