
Athletes Mammut Hannah Meul
Born in
Mammut athlete since
At home in
Cologne, Germany


11 questions with Hannah

Something on your bucket list

Climbing at the Olympics! Expeditions are also exciting.

Your favorite mountain


Your hidden talent

I bake the best banana bread in the world

What you wanted to be when you grew up

Carer for baby monkeys

A moment you'll never forget

Winning the silver medal at the European Championships in Munich in front of 5000 spectators on the Königsplatz.

Your role model

Jan Hojer, Pippi Longstocking

What you love most about climbing 

The enormous variety and limitless possibilities of getting where you want to go.

Your top tip for other climbers

Do yoga! It makes your body feel fantastic, releases tension and improves flexibility.

Something you’d like to learn

Philosophy maybe, Swedish, Spanish and French

A question you’re often asked – and the answer

Do you have a recipe for your banana bread? No, I always bake by feel, but there's a reel on my Instagram account if you want to check it out.

Your message to the outdoor community

Climbing is a way of life! Let's chase that spirit!

Hannah's current favorite gear