
Gore-tex Pro

Le montagne - così perfide come maestose. Ampiamente umiliati da esse, in soggezione di esse, cerchiamo costantemente nuove rotte e cime più alte. Ma gli obiettivi estremi richiedono attrezzature altrettanto estreme

Benefici principali

  • Design a 3 strati

    La costruzione ottimale per laminati ad alte prestazioni senza compromessi.

  • Impermeabile in modo durevole

    Garantito di mantenerti asciutto™

  • Totalmente antivento

    Arresta tutto il vento, anche quando esposto a gelide raffiche o tempeste gelide

Durable, long-lasting protection – even in the most extreme conditions.
The highest level of breathability. Comfortable during intense activity, warm when you stop to rest.
More freedom of movement to reach new limits – with no compromise on protection.
  1. GORE-TEX Pro

    Most rugged

    Durable, long-lasting protection – even in the most extreme conditions.
  2. GORE-TEX Pro

    Most breathable

    The highest level of breathability. Comfortable during intense activity, warm when you stop to rest.
  3. GORE-TEX Pro


    More freedom of movement to reach new limits – with no compromise on protection.

Specifiche professionali

Diversi sport, diverse esigenze, differenti vantaggi. Separando Pro in 3 categorie distinte che possono essere applicate ai prodotti singolarmente o combinati, GORE-TEX abbina la protezione senza compromessi alle esigenze specifiche degli atleti di tutti gli sport alpini.







GORE-TEX Pro Most Rugged

GORE-TEX Pro Most Breathable

GORE-TEX Pro Stretch

> 28 m
> 28 m
> 28 m
< 5l/m2/sec
< 5l/m2/sec
< 5l/m2/sec
<9 = very breathable
<6 = extremely breathable
<13 = very breathable
20% elasticity

*values reflect the GORE-TEX Pro laminates used in Mammut products.

Prendilo dagli esperti

“This freedom of movement [in GORE-TEX Pro Stretch] makes it really nice. How can you climb hard if you have to fight against your jacket?”

Woman with Mammut jacket
Caro NorthMammut Pro Alpinist

“This is our most pinnacle product, our gold standard.”

Portrait of woman
Lara WittmannGORE-TEX Strategic Marketing

“GORE-TEX Pro laminates are the most durable, waterproof and breathable on the market. With the sub-categories, "Most Rugged", "Most Breathable" and "Stretch", we can create products tailor-made to the unique performance requirements of those using our gear in the world’s harshest environments.”

Man takes selfie
Tim FermMammut Product Manager Apparel

"If you stretch your hands up, which you often do while climbing, your jacket stays in the harness. You don’t pull it out. It definitely helps to move easier, to move faster, and to move lighter."

Man wears blue Mammut jacket
Stefan SiegristMammut Pro Alpinist

Two people in Mammut clothes

Testa il GORE-TEX Pro!Â